Season 36 News: A new episode title, “Abe League of Their Moe”, has been announced!

200px-Season_35_artworkThe title of an upcoming episode of the 36th production season, “Abe League of Their Moe” has been announced.

Stay tuned for more new episode titles! Don’t forget to visit our page on Season 36, as we always try to keep it up-to-date!

A second spine-tingling Treehouse of Horror episode this November!

S35 LogoInformation about the plot for the episode “Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes“, which will air on November 24, 2024, has been released. The episode will be the 7th episode of Season 36.

In the episode …
A tattooed man at a mysterious night circus transports Lisa into three strange stories from the innocent 1950s, the chilling retro-present, and a brutalist future where prestige TV rules the world.”

Guest stars

Andy Serkis as Illustrated Man/Siegfried Blaze and Pamela Hayden as Milhouse and Jimbo.

For further information…
If you want to read the original listing from FOX, visit this page.

If you want to know further info about the episode, check our Wiki article on it. We are always keeping it up-to-date.

If you want to know more about Season 36, visit our page for it in our Wiki!

Stay tuned for more!

Season 36 News: A Preview Image for “O C’mon All Ye Faithful” has been released!

S35 LogoA Preview Image for the upcoming first Disney+ Special, titled “O C’mon All Ye Faithful“, has been released. The episode releases on December 17, 2024.

Stay tuned for more!

Season 36 News: Previews for “Threehouse of Horror XXXV” have been released!

200px-Season_35_artworkPreviews for the upcoming 5th episode of Season 36, titled “Treehouse of Horror XXXV“, have been released by FOX. The episode airs on November 3, 2024.

If you want to know more about Season 36, visit our page for it in our Wiki!

Stay tuned for more!


Season 36 News: The Couch gag and even more Promotional Images for “Treehouse of Horror XXXV” have been released!

The Couch Gag and even more Promotional Images for the upcoming 5th episode of Season 36, titled “Treehouse of Horror XXXV“, have been released by FOX. The episode airs on November 3, 2024.

Stay tuned for more!

Promotional Images

A new special, “Funday Football”, has been announced!

200px-Season_35_artworkA new special, “Funday Football“, streaming live on Disney+ and ESPN+, on December 9, 2024, has been announced.

Stay tuned for more!