The questline starts off with Lisa preparing to send Valentine’s cards to some humanist and environmentalist causes, and then – to Fallout Boy. Hmm…
Anyway, all the Valentine’s items are back – and this year, no dreaded Wheel of Friendship! – which means that all the items that were available JUST last year in the Wheel of Friendship have not been made available again. This event’s basically 2013 with 2014’s buildings and characters and this year’s new decorations and costume.
EA have also been kind and given us the long-awaited Fallout Boy costume, or “Sidekick” costume for Milhouse. And, we’ve got a cute teddy bear called Sir Love-A Lot unlocked to place in our town as a decoration – FREE on the day.
EA also have another V-Day surprise… the real Fallout Boy!
You can read all about the event here. That’s it for now! Happy early Valentine’s Day!
P.S. The fact that we’ve had mini-events like Stonecutters Black Market Sale and Valentine’s suggests EA might have a big ‘un up their sleeves…