Welcome new readers!
A few months ago, we at Wikisimpsons came up with an idea for a news site for all the latest The Simpsons news. This has finally happened now and here it is!
The idea of this news blog is to inform readers about anything and everything to do with the latest The Simpsons news, including the latest episode news, the recent updates from The Simpsons: Tapped Out, the newest comic news and any upcoming merchandise releases. However, I’m sure there will be lots of other things we’ll report.
If you are a Wikisimpsons user and want to become a news editor, comment below, leave a message on my talk page or email me at solardragon@simpsonswiki.com. The more experience you have on Wikisimpsons, the more likely I’ll be to accept your request.
Thank you for reading!
Solar Dragon, Wikisimpsons Head Admin
Thank you for reading!
Solar Dragon, Wikisimpsons Head Admin
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