Want to help support the Wikisimpsons editors? Now you can!

A few people have asked how they can help support the editors of Wikisimpsons. We editors get no money whatsoever for our contributions to the wiki. We do all of this as a hobby, free of charge. This includes the hours of work we put in to make the wiki as complete as it is. Therefore, we have set up a couple of ways for our readers and fans to support us.

I (Solar Dragon) have been against accepting donations for years now. It’s been brought up a couple of times in the past but I’ve shot it down for a couple of reasons. The major reason behind being against it is splitting the money between the active contributors and how we’d go about doing this. But this is something we’ve mostly worked out now.

Anyway, the ways to support us are:


Patreon is a membership platform where people can subscribe to donate money on a monthly basis. As of now, we have no plans for any rewards for donating to us via Patreon, but there could be some sort of rewards in future. Suggestions for ways to make our Patreon better, rewards we could offer etc. will be welcome.

The Patreon page is called Wikisimpsons, link here.


We have set up a PayPal.me link so you can donate directly to our Wikisimpsons PayPal account. You can donate any amount and leave notes on donating too.

Our PayPal.me link is https://www.paypal.me/simpsonswiki.

We are not expecting anyone to donate or not, nobody should feel that they have to. This is completely optional and Wikisimpsons will be running as normal whether we get any money or not. We will also not be shoving this down anyone’s throats (like a certain extremely well known wiki does…). Ads currently support the servers and we get enough money to keep them going via ads, so this will be an optional thing for you to say thank you to the contributors.

We have multiple active users who work on all parts of the wiki, from writing up about new episodes, to creating huge, detailed pages on Tapped Out updates, to working on the comic articles and all other aspects of the show and franchise. All of us do this free of charge so we will be grateful for any donation of any size.

Thank you for reading!
Solar Dragon, Wikisimpsons Head Admin
Want to support me? Donate to me at Ko-fi.

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